Major Data Breach: 995 Crore Passwords Exposed by Hackers, Report knows details

Major Data Breach: 995 Crore Passwords Exposed by Hackers, Report knows details

Major Data Breach: A major case of cyber attack has come to light, in which hackers have stolen 995 crore passwords, which is considered to be the biggest data leak till date. This incident has exposed the vulnerabilities of cyber security and has put people’s personal information at risk.

According to a Forbes report, a hacker team named ObamaCare has leaked 995 crore passwords. This information has come to light in a report named Rockyou2024, which states that this data leak is the largest group of passwords used for online services.

Information of popular celebrities was also leaked

The report also revealed that this leak also includes personal information of many celebrities. Hackers illegally accessed many online accounts and stole other personal information including passwords. This leak has leaked the information of many employees along with common people to the public.

Email and login information are also at risk

Apart from passwords, this data leak also includes email addresses and login information. This means that hackers can misuse this information to steal a person’s identity or commit fraud. This incident points to how insecure our personal data is.

Cyber ​​security measures

After this major cyber security incident, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has sought information from all higher education institutions about the steps taken to take care of cyber security. Apart from this, as per the guidelines of the Home Ministry, awareness campaigns are being conducted to protect students from cyber crimes.

What to do to stay safe?

  1. Use a strong password: Create a long and complex password instead of a short and simple one.
  2. Change passwords regularly: Keep changing your password from time to time.
  3. Use two-factor authentication: This increases the security of your account.
  4. Raise awareness about cyber security: Be informed and aware about cyber crimes.

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